Saturday, November 10, 2012

M on charging.....

Well, one of the reasons why I have not been blogging for some time now is because I was genuinely busy. I know it can't be an excuse but it seemed like I had lost my writing ability trying too hard to settle my career...
Being from a strictly middle class (not as rosy background as media portrays) has its own of it is that you put too much of efforts in trying to make life better for you and your family. Maybe because you are insecure about your future....or maybe because you are not used to get anything too easily...
Whatever it is, I had been working my ass out to get through toughest phase of my no way I am trying to say that I did something special....but I just want to say it was genuinely tough 2 years for me where I tried hard to be perfect because I simply could not afford any more mistake in my life.. ( details in separate post :-P )
After coming out of it all successfully, I just want to take a break to relook at my life, to relook at myself, to give time for my relationship, to decide on the best way to bring some balance in life....

A break does not mean the engine is might just mean the driver has stopped the vehicle to ask for directions :-)

Friday, March 26, 2010

A new start!

It's been quite a lot of time since I left blogging and expressing in general. Now is trhe time to get back to expressing!

A road ahead, nothing in hand,
Walking seems tough like walking on the sand,
Wind blowing fast and it's difficult to stand,
I'm holding on, looking at ur hand in hand.

Mistakes in the past, come biting,
I'm in 2 minds, both are fighting,
I'm just waiting for a magic wand,
I'm holding on, looking at ur hand in hand.

There is so much I have to make,
For no-one but for my own sake,
tying up my senses with a weak band,
I'm holding on, looking at ur hand in hand.